To the Editor:
Our family saw the Christian movie “Overcomer” last week. It’s a beautiful film — refreshing when compared to the saturation of sex, drugs and killing in our movies today. The film portrays a family at its breaking point: to forgive that which seems unforgivable. Do we choose to allow brokenness to continue or do we choose to love others as God loves us: unconditionally?
We felt as if we were witnessing each moment — from the deepest wounds to the joy-filled shout of a Christian who trusted in Jesus and overcame all obstacles. I pray all Christians will support the film.
A very important question arises in the film, “who are you?” By answering this question, our immediate answer provides us with how we perceive ourselves in this world and why we think we were created.
Look for the movie at a theater in your community!
Dr. Tonia and O’delia Rogers, Davenport
Dr. DeAnna and Anthony Michael Rogers-Walter Kimmel, Davenport