Water is life; protect it


To the Editor:

How long must we wait for clean water in Iowa?

Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, Food & Water Watch, and Public Justice have filed a lawsuit against the state of Iowa because we have waited long enough. Voluntary measures and the outdated Master Matrix for factory farm construction are pipe dreams based on a hope that factory farm owners will “do the right thing.”

Except we know otherwise. Iowans have had to deal with a steady, alarming increase in impaired waters as we try to enjoy and recreate in our numerous lakes, rivers and creeks.


Impaired waterways also raise concerns with what is actually in that water. Are Iowans safe from nitrates, E. coli, microcystin toxins and antibiotic resistant matter? Measurable and meaningful limits that are monitored are what keep our highways safe as we drive. Rules about no smoking in restaurants and public places keep us protected from second-hand smoke. What industry gets to operate without monitored, meaningful and measurable pollution controls?

It is time for Iowan to be assured that rules and procedures are in place to protect one of our most vital and necessary resources. Water is life. We demand it is protected and cleaned up.

Brenda Brink
Huxley, Iowa

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