Ordinations for two priests, one deacon set for June 1


By Anne Marie Amacher
The Catholic Messenger

DAVENPORT — Two men will be ordained to the priesthood and one to the diaconate for the Diocese of Davenport during a 10 a.m. Mass on June 1 at Sacred Heart Cathedral. Bishop Thomas Zinkula will preside at the Mass. Deacon Terry Ball and Deacon Scott Foley will be ordained priests and seminarian James Flattery will be ordained a deacon.

Deacon Ball, 69, was born in New Hampton, Iowa, and attended Fredericksburg schools. His home parish is Immaculate Conception Parish in Sumner. He graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and special education. He received a master’s in special education administration from the University of Iowa. He completed his theological studies at Sacred Heart Seminary in Hales Corners, Wis.

Deacon Ball taught in Marshalltown (Iowa) community schools and then the Iowa City Community School District. He was married to his wife, Mona, for 39 years. While married, he discerned a call to the permanent diaconate and began studies with her support. Following Mona’s death in 2012, he discerned a call to the priesthood.


He completed his clinical pastoral education at the University of Iowa in 2017 and completed internships at St. Thomas More Parish in Coralville in 2018 and Prince of Peace Parish in Clinton in 2018. Bishop Zinkula ordained him to the diaconate on June 30, 2018, at Sacred Heart Cathedral.

Following ordination to the priesthood, he will celebrate his first Mass at 10 a.m. June 2 at St. Joseph Parish in Hills. A reception will follow.
Deacon Foley, 35, was born in Iowa City and attended Williamsburg schools. His home parish is St. Mary Parish in Williamsburg. He graduated from the University of Iowa with a BSE in civil engineering and a minor in business. He is completing his theology studies at the North American College in Rome.

Prior to entering the seminary, he worked as an engineer.

He completed internships at Holy Family Parish in St. Louis Park, Minn., in 2014; St. Mary Parish in Grinnell in 2014; Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Bettendorf in 2016 and St. Patrick Parish in Iowa City in 2017 and 2018. Deacon Foley also served as an English teacher at Mokpo Cath­olic Uni­versity in Mokpo, South Korea, and worked with the Mission­aries of Charity in Calcutta, India.

Cardinal Daniel DiNar­do ordained Foley to the diaconate on Sept. 27, 2018, at St. Peter’s Bas­ilica. Following ordination to the priesthood, he will celebrate his first Mass at 10:30 a.m. June 2 at St. Mary Parish in Williams­burg.

Flattery, 30, was born in Des Moines and attended schools in Colfax-Mingo. His home parish is Immaculate Conception Parish in Colfax. He earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from AIB College of Business in Des Moines. He also earned a bachelor’s in philosophical and theological studies from Conception Seminary in Conception, Mo. His is continuing his theology studies at University of St. Mary of the Lake–Mundelein Seminary in Mundelein, Ill.

Prior to entering the seminary, Flattery worked for Target Corp. in Altoona and Ankeny. He completed his pastoral clinical education at UnityPoint Trinity in Rock Island, Ill., in 2018. He completed an internship at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Bettendorf in 2018.

(Editor’s note: The diocese’s vocation office has developed a promotional video promoting the ordination Mass. Visit https://www.davenportdiocese.org/vocations and click on the play button for the video.)

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