To the Editor:
It was a great celebration on Divine Mercy Sunday (April 28). My wife and I thoroughly did enjoy praying with all the saints around us and all the wonderful priests. Maybe we could not wait a year to do it again? How about once a week? (I hear groans!) Once a month? Maybe? Maybe twice a year is a better suggestion. How about having a Mercy Sunday around the Fourth of July and incorporate the patriotic rosary in praying for our country?
Asking for mercy is very important but should we not enlighten the public as to wrongs and sins being committed today for which we need mercy? How about mentioning that abortion is against the commandment, “Thou shalt not kill” or that sex outside of marriage is adultery? If we were to ask for mercy, ought we not stand up for the Ten Commandments instead of giving lip service or silent service? Being selfish and secular, I believe, will destroy the First Commandment. Lord, have mercy!
God bless all who made a beautiful Divine Mercy Sunday and God bless every priest. Amen. See you in the future sometime?
Bill Grothus