By Father Guillermo Trevino
The new “Avengers Endgame” movie has grossed $2 billion worldwide. The film has set the record for highest-grossing film on opening night, opening weekend and first two weekends moneywise in theaters.

Bishop Thomas Zinkula, left, and Father Guillermo Trevino stand by a sign for the “Avengers Endgame” movie at the theater.
I knew this would be the case when tickets went on sale April 2 and all of the internet websites were crashing as people were trying to get tickets. Not sure who would have paid for it, but on eBay someone was selling a pair of opening night tickets for $10,000! The best I could do was buy tickets for the first Tuesday after the premiere, April 30. I bought 37 tickets and decided to invite the bishop.
After Bishop Thomas Zinkula said yes, I would ask him, every week, are you still coming? I could not believe the bishop was going to the movies with me! It meant a lot that my boss was going to the movies. He joked in an email, “Are you in it?” His teasing had to do with my love of comic cons (conventions) and meeting several of the stars. At the end of the film, Bishop said he enjoyed it but did have some questions. The film is a culmination of 22 Marvel Cinematic Universe films and a lot of background information is needed.
I also invited Father Paul Appel, Father Joseph Sia and Miguel Moreno, who is coordinator of the Diocese of Davenport’s Multicultural Ministry office. Did I mention, I had 37 tickets and thus I invited some parishioners from my time in Davenport? They were just as excited if not more.
One of them, Mike Ruefer, was very honest and said he had not been to a film in over two years! He enjoyed the movie and said he “teared up a bit.” No spoilers, but you may need some tissues. Focusing on Mike’s story, I want to share a brief reflection. It is amazing what we can do, when we invite someone. Whether it is the bishop, a parishioner or anyone else, the feeling of being included means the world to that person. Sometimes the person has other things to do and can’t accept the invitation, but keep including them. One day, they might say, “Yes!” I have to admit that I did not get too many “no’s” for the Avengers film.
The time with friends and companions is priceless For three-plus hours with the previews, I was with 37 friends enjoying some of my favorite heroes, The Avengers. I challenge you to invite and include others. We could even do all of this for Mass!
(Fr. Guillermo Treviño serves at St. Patrick Parish in Iowa City and St. Joseph Parish in West Liberty.)