Context to president’s statements


To the Editor:

I’d like to address a Letter to the Editor in the May 9 Catholic Messenger about President Trump’s insensitive remarks made at a rally in Green Bay, Wis., in April.  I feel it’s important to put his words into some context. While the President’s words regarding how a baby is cared for after a failed late-term abortion were insensitive, what President Trump was referring to is actually a very harsh reality. Abortion is a reality where a baby is killed in the womb. Some babies survive abortion procedures. These babies are the babies that President Trump was referring to in his comments. His remarks were made in regard to the Wisconsin governor who said “he would veto a bill that would require doctors to provide medical care to babies born alive after a failed abortion attempt.” I find these words more than insensitive.

After New York passed legislation to remove restrictions on limits to abortion, several states have sought to do the same. This includes not caring for babies born alive after an abortion attempt. In response to this, “House of Representative Republicans have sought to bring forward the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would stop infanticide and provide medical care and treatment for babies who survive abortions.” As of May 9, House Democrats have refused 40 times to allow this bill to even come up for a vote.

I do not deny that the words President Trump uses are often insensitive. I find the denial of the right to life of a child in the womb, even up to the point of birth, and beyond, far more upsetting and beyond insensitive.


Michelle Snyder
Richland, IA

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