Six years ago, Bishop Emeritus Martin Amos traveled to France to give the Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award to Jean Vanier. While there, one of his hosts took him and Catholic Messenger Editor Barb Arland-Fye into Paris.

“We went to Mass in Notre Dame Cathedral and I was able to concelebrate,” the bishop said. “Two priests from Cleveland (Ohio) were in the cathedral as tourists (they weren’t there for Mass) but one said, ‘that sounds like Marty.’ They found us after Mass and the five of us went out for lunch.”
“It was the 850th anniversary and it was awesome to have been able to celebrate Mass there. I was able to give the final blessing in Latin. After Mass they give me a corporal which has the image of the crown of thorns on it — one of the relics that was saved from the fire.”
“It is emotional and sad for me to see the cathedral go up in flames, especially to see the spire collapse. I can’t imagine what it must mean to the Catholics of Paris. I am glad no one was injured and that there are plans to restore this magnificent cathedral.”