Recite the rosary for priests


To the Editor:

To my fellow Christians,
I hope you realize that the attack on God and Christianity is intensifying today in America and the world. This should be known by the forces that promote abortions, the killing and persecution of Christians and the complete disregard of the Ten Commandments. I believe I am not alone in my concern about these attacks and I am just a layman. While I strongly believe in the Real Presence, I am weathering the attacks only by prayer and the grace of God.

Now, how much more so is Satan attacking our priests and shepherds? They, through their consecrated hands, bring us Jesus Christ in the Real Presence at every Mass. We must say prayers for them and help protect them.
I have thought of a very easy way to render to God our value for protection for our priests. When one says the rosary, every day I hope, one could make a special Hail Mary incorporated into the rosary. We initially start our rosary with three Hail Marys for faith, hope and charity. Why not add one more at that point with the strict intention of protecting our priests? I am growing accustomed to do this. Maybe someone else might like this idea. God bless.

Bill Grothus


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