Offering a loving presence


To the Editor:

The message Dan Ebener left us in his opinion piece, “To end abortion, end poverty,” was important. However, in my opinion, poverty is not the only answer and may not be the most important, when it comes to ending abortion. According to one source,, 41 percent of America’s children were living in poverty and 56 percent accept some government subsidies. Clearly, those children living in poverty were not aborted. Ultrasounds, support from friends, parents and boyfriends, a society that makes abortion unthinkable, along with easing poverty, bring down the abortion numbers.

However, what I have found to be crucial in changing women’s hearts is our loving presence and our prayers. Bringing Jesus’ love to women, developing relationships with mothers, listening and being present to moms, welcoming babies, addressing the spiritual and emotional needs as well as physical, and letting moms know they are welcome to come back are what is needed to change the hearts of abortion-minded women.

We as bearers of Christ’s love need courage, perseverance and strength. We as helpers of God’s precious infants and families often need to change our own minds and hearts to become more loving, welcoming and less judgmental. I feel this one to one relationship, rooted in God’s love, is what will make abortion unthinkable.


Jeanne Wonio

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