Hunger/Homelessness Week events in Clinton


The Clinton County Board of Supervisors and Clinton Mayor Mark Vulich have declared Nov. 11-18 as National Hunger and Homelessness Week in Clinton County and the City of Clinton.

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week is a nationwide call to action. Staff and volunteers from a wide consortium of social service agencies in the Clinton area will spend the week holding educational, community service, fundraising, and advocacy events to address issues related to poverty.

Local sponsors of Hunger and Homelessness Week in Clinton include: Area Substance Abuse Council (ASAC), Associate Benevolent Society, Bridgeview, Clinton Housing Authority, Clinton/Jackson Homeless Coalition, Community Action of Eastern Iowa, Council of Social Agencies, Family Resources, Franciscan Peace Center, Information Referral and Assistance Services, RSVP, Salvation Army, United Way Clinton County and the YWCA Clinton.

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week events in the Clinton area include:


• An Oxfam Hunger Banquet will take place Nov. 14 from 6-8 p.m. at the Clinton Human Services Campus. The cost is $10 plus a food donation for local food pantries. Among the event sponsors is the Franciscan Peace Center. To RSVP contact Lori Freudenberg at (563) 242-7611 or

• A free screening of the film “Storied Streets” at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 15 at The Canticle, 843 13th Ave. N. in Clinton. Following the film, Cheryl McCulloh of United Way will speak.

• River Bend Mobil Food Pantry will be at the Central Catholic Auditorium, 515 8th Ave. S. in Clinton on Nov.18, starting at 10:30 a.m.

• ASAC Prevention will be coordinating reading of an age-appropriate book on the topic of hunger and/or homelessness and facilitate the discussions the Clinton elementary schools afterschool programs

For more information about these events, please visit or call Lori Freudenberg at (563)242-7611. For information on Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week events in other cities, visit

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