To the Editor:
Once again our nation finds itself mourning the tragic loss of life and the agony of the injured, all victims of hate and violence. Our hearts and prayers go out to the family of the victims, those who were wounded, the members of Tree of Life – Ohr Sameiach Synagogue, and the Jewish communities of Squirrel Hill, Greater Pittsburgh, and indeed, the entire U.S. Their loss is our loss. Their pain is our pain.
Will the hate ever cease? This time its victims are Jews, shot down in their synagogue as they celebrated their Sabbath. All too recently its victims were immigrants, as children were torn from the arms of their parents on our southern border. The pain of women who have been victims of sexual assault has been discounted and shunted aside. Our brothers and sisters of the LGBTQ community come face-to-face with hate almost every day and now there is a proposal to strip transgender people of their very identity before the law. Young black men continually live in fear of being shot. It is abundantly clear that those who hate are “equal opportunity” haters with enough toxic intentions to spread around to many targeted groups.
We of One Human Family QCA deplore the growing atmosphere of hate which is engulfing our country. We have dedicated ourselves to counteract it. As we mourn for the victims of this recent deplorable act of anti-Semitism, we encourage all people of good will to stand up and be counted in the struggle to eradicate hate from our community, our nation, and the world. The time to start acting has long since passed but it is not too late to join the fight. To create a community which centers on mutual love and respect, we all must work together.
One Human Family QCA
Rev. Richard Hendricks, Convener
Rabbi Henry Jay Karp, Co-Convener