Bishop Thomas Zinkula’s schedule for December


Bishop Thomas Zinkula’s schedule for December

1 IOWA CITY Bishop of Davenport Hundredfold Workshop, St. Patrick, 9 a.m. — 3 p.m.
2 DAVENPORT — Mass, Commemoration of St. Ambrose and McMullen Awards, Christ the King Chapel, St. Ambrose University, 10:30 a.m.
2-3 CONCEPTION, Mo. — Seminary visit
4 IOWA CITY — Mercy Hospital blessing of the land, 11:30 a.m.
4 IOWA CITY — Vision 20/20 Steering Committee meeting
4 CORALVILLE — Mass, Oakdale Correctional Facility, 7 p.m.
5 IOWA CITY — Regina All School Mass, 9:30 a.m.
5 BETTENDORF — First reconciliation, Lourdes, 6:30 p.m.
6 DAVENPORT — Priests’ Personnel Board meeting
7 DAVENPORT — Catholic Service Board Mass, Kahl Home, 6 p.m.
9 BROOKLYN — Mass, St. Patrick, 8 a.m.
9 VICTOR — Mass, St. Bridget, 10 a.m.
14 ELDRIDGE — Mass, Carmelite sisters, 9 a.m.
15 DAVENPORT — Winter Commencement, St. Ambrose University, River Center, 11 a.m.
17 DAVENPORT — Mass, Humility of Mary Convent
17 CORALVILLE — Communal reconciliation, St. Thomas More, 7 p.m.
19 FORT MADISON — Mass and Christmas lunch, Iowa State Penitentiary
31 ILLINOIS CITY, Ill. — Youth retreat Mass, Camp Loud Thunder, 4:30 p.m.

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