Jane Campagna, left, of St. John Vianney Parish in Bettendorf, and Robin Sade of St. Alban Episcopal Church in Davenport, pack a Gracepack for survivors of human trafficking.
By Anne Marie Amacher
The Catholic Messenger
DAVENPORT — Gracepack, a project that provides survivors of human trafficking with some basic necessities after their rescue, is being launched this fall.
Attacking Trafficking, a Quad-City-based nonprofit agency, plans to stock 50 backpacks full of toiletries, basic clothing and other items to give to survivors. The first five Gracepacks were filled by group members Oct. 15 and sent for distribution.
Donations are being requested for the Gracepacks. Survivors frequently have only the clothes on their back, which are confiscated as evidence, said Attacking Trafficking committee members. Project organizers have plenty of certain items — shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothbrushes and toothpaste — but need new T-shirts, sweatpants, underwear, socks and hygiene products. In addition, each backpack contains a washcloth, small blanket, stuffed animal and $10 gift certificate.
In 2017, one Quad-City agency assisted 97 people who were freed from human trafficking. “We can’t coexist with the evil of human slavery in our own community,” said Ann Mohr, who chairs Attacking Trafficking. “As more people understand the situation is not only a global reality, but also a local one, we will create a world in which everyone can thrive.” The new project also facilitates a relationship between victims and those helping them.
Financial contributions can be made to Attacking Trafficking, 3510 W. Central Park Ave., Davenport, IA 52804. Items can be dropped off at the Diocese of Davenport offices, 780 W Central Park Ave., Davenport.
To learn more about Attacking Trafficking, visit www.attackingtrafficking.org.