Take bus to March for Life

Youths from St. Wenceslaus Parish in Iowa City hold signs during the March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 19.

By Anne Marie Amacher
The Catholic Messenger
Seats are filling up for bus trips to the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., this coming January. Iowans for Life based in Des Moines and Dubuque County Right to Life based in Dubuque, Iowa, have bus seats available for those who wish to attend.

Iowa Quad-City area youths can attend the march at a discounted rate thanks to scholarship money raised by the Black & White Gala and Quad City Right to Life. Scholarships are limited.

Youth scholarships
The Black & White Gala committee has worked with Iowans for Life for many years, said the committee’s Charlene Merritt. High school and college-aged youths are the focus of the scholarships. Full cost of the trip through Iowans for Life is $400. Youths applying for scholarships must submit a $50 deposit by Oct. 1 and an additional $150 by Oct. 26. Funds raised by the two Quad-City groups will pay the difference. “Additional funds may be available for those with special needs.” There are a limited number of scholarships available.
Quad-City-area youth ministers are asked to invite their youths to participate in the March for Life, Merritt said. “This is the largest gathering for life. It is a most powerful way to inspire, energize and unify ourselves, especially youths who are the future of pro-life America.”

Participants walking in the march can also attend the Catholic Youth Rally and Mass for Life, with the option of attending the Students for Life national pro-life conference. That optional conference costs an additional $45 per student and $60 per adult.


Youths interested in attending may contact Tracey Jacobsen at tlccj@hotmail.come or (563) 340-6801. Deposit is due Oct. 1. Additional suggestions for students planning to make the trip: ask for money as gifts, have a joint fundraiser or consider a Go Fund Me campaign. Youths younger than 18 years old must travel with a chaperone.

Adult participants
Adults may choose to participate on the Iowans for Life or Dubuque County Right to Life bus trips. Iowans for Life has provided trips to March for Life for more than 25 years, said Executive Director Maggie DeWitte.

The Iowans for Life trip costs $400, which covers bus transportation and hotel costs (up to four people per room for two nights). Food, tours and miscellaneous items are not covered.
Buses leave from various locations Jan. 16 and return Jan. 20. Stops are made for food and restroom breaks, but the bus travels through the night. Participants arrive the afternoon of Jan. 17 in Washington, D.C., and have free time and worship opportunities. The youth rally is Jan. 18 with worship opportunities and March for Life events in the morning, the march at midday and free time afterwards. A free day to explore Washington, D.C., occurs Jan. 19. Buses depart for Iowa that evening.

Payment and registration are due by Nov. 1. Afterwards, registration will be accepted until all buses are full. Refunds are not available. For more information visit www. iowansforlife.org, email mdewitte@iowansforlife.
org or call (515) 255-4113.

Dubuque County Right to Life
Dubuque County Right to Life also charges $400 per person for the trip that includes bus transportation, bus driver tips and two nights in a hotel (four to a room), said Executive Director Ashley Stackis. A bus stop in the Quad Cities is available to pick up participants who do not want to travel to Dubuque.
Buses depart Jan. 16, arriving in late afternoon Jan. 17. Participants will leave the hotel around 4:30 p.m. to attend Mass at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. The rally starts at noon Jan. 18 and the march at 1 p.m. That night at 7 p.m. participants go on a tour of monuments. A day of sightseeing is scheduled Jan. 19 with buses departing for Iowa by 5 p.m.
For more information, visit www.dcrtl.org, email astackis@dcrtl.org or call (563) 556-5960.

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