To The Editor:
This is an invitation from Father Bill Kneemiller for couples and families to join me in praying the “Preparation for Total Consecration” according to St. Louis de Montfort. I will be praying this 33-day consecration in the months of August and September, so I invite couples and families to join me. I have all the prayers and can be reached at my email address,
St. John Paul II did this consecration before he became pope and said it was “A turning point in my life … and has since remained a part of me. It is an integral part of my interior life and my spiritual devotion.” Join me, even for a day for these consecration prayers.
In an unrelated matter, I would like to address fashions, mini-skirts and Mass. I have some comments on women’s fashions which are my own opinion, but I believe they are timely. As secular fashions become worldlier, it’s more common to see ladies come to Mass with mini or micro-mini skirts. Where is an appropriate place for these fashions? I believe it would be in the privacy of one’s bedroom with your husband.
One of the messages to the Fatima children 100 years ago was that future fashions would arise which would be very displeasing to our Lord. A bottom line for me on this issue is that our fashion and dress should reflect our faith!
Fr. Bill Kneemiller
Diocesan priest and
retired military chaplain