Meet the Women’s Choice Center’s new director


By Anne Marie Amacher
The Catholic Messenger

BETTENDORF — “I am and have been a passionate believer in the sanctity of life,” said Linda Rubey, the new executive director of the Women’s Choice Center. She began work at the pro-life center June 4, succeeding Vicki Tyler who retired after 10 years of leadership.

Anne Marie Amacher
Linda Rubey arranges toddler clothing in Chloe’s Closet at the Women’s Choice Center in Bettendorf. Rubey is the new executive director of the pro-life center.

Rubey said she did not have a lot of interaction with the Women’s Choice Center prior to applying for the job. She did training as a volunteer for Pregnancy Resources several years ago, but couldn’t dedicate enough time to volunteer as she wanted.

In early March she learned about the open position at the pro-life, pro-family medical center while listening to a Des Moines radio station. “I looked up the Women’s Choice Center and was wowed by what they did.”


Unemployed at the time she applied for the position, she said her previous career experiences took her in a variety of directions: businesses administration, human resources, credit manager, business leadership and health care. “This job will use a little bit of everything. I will be able to utilize all my skills here.”

She said she knew from her first interview that the Women’s Choice Center was an organization she wanted to work for. “They called me later and said that they were buying the former Planned Parenthood building and adding a health clinic. Was I still interested? Yes.”

At her second interview, Life and Family board members, who oversee the Women’s Choice Center, explained their new vision and mission which includes the addition of a future medical clinic. She was later offered the job and accepted.

“Since I have been here it is much more than I expected. We begin each day with prayer. I love that. We pray for the expectant moms and dads, those who serve them, our staff and volunteers and for the success of our new building.”

The number of clients continues to increase since Planned Parenthood closed its doors completely at the end of December. “God has truly taken this place and redeemed it,” she said of the converted building. “We are following his lead to help others,” added Rubey, a member of Harvest Bible in Davenport.

The future pro-life, pro-family medical center has not set a target date to open. A medical task force meets almost weekly to address details that need to be decided before volunteers and paid staff are brought on. Several people have already stepped forward for volunteer positions once the clinic opens.

Since the Women’s Choice Center opened at its new location, several women who had an abortion at the former Planned Parenthood clinic have visited. They have commented that something good has come out of the former abortion clinic, Rubey said. “That is the love of Christ working through us. We have taken hold of this place and made it good.”

One of the bonuses of having a larger center has been expansion of Chloe’s Closet, which offers new and gently used clothing in infant to toddler sizes. The closet also offers diapers, wipes, formula, infant food and other donated items. “It is amazing at the gifts we continue to get.”

Although the center is larger, it lacks large meeting space. “Our community partners have come forward to offer space when we need it.”
The mobile medical unit continues its routes and this fall will make weekend trips to churches and other organizations upon request for tours and to spread the word about the Women’s Choice Center.

For more information about the Women’s Choice Center, mobile medical unit tours, or Chloe’s Closet, stop by 2740 Happy Joe Drive, Bettendorf, or call (563) 332-0475.

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