To the Editor:
The simple solution to avoiding “Fake News” and honoring “Free Speech” First Amendment Rights posted on social media is to hold social media distributors to the same legal, ethical and moral standards as the print and broadcast media. Hold ALL media accountable for their publications. We the people have the right to know when we are receiving fact or fiction in our media communications.
We need to know that the dissemination of information on the “e-com” is subject to the same scrutiny for veracity as any other means of communication. As for our constitutional rights for scrutinizing “social media,” we the people have the constitutional right to know when we are fed false information. If a legal warrant can be obtained to search the intimacy and privacy of one’s home, then certainly a media search warrant can be issued to search the credibility of social media for factual or fictional communication.
E-media needs to be held accountable to verify its credibility. This is a no-brainer, folks. Social media accountability is long overdue.
Annamarie Marcalus OSF
Iowa City