DAVENPORT — “Inspiring Young People to Learn, Love and Live Their Faith,” is the title of an Aug. 30 in-service program for catechists, educators, youth ministers and parents across the diocese. It will be held at Our Lady of Victory Parish Center in Davenport, with dinner beginning at 5 p.m. The in-service follows from 6-8 p.m.
Joyce Kloft, minister of faith formation at St. Ann Parish in Long Grove, said the event is sponsored by MORE (Minister of Religious Education) from the Clinton and Davenport deaneries. It is open to anyone in the diocese.
Jared Dees, creator of the website “The Religion Teacher” will be the presenter. His website provides practical resources and effective teaching strategies for religious educators, Kloft said. She noted that he will talk about “Christ the Master Teacher” — 12 ways to become a better religious educator and classroom manager.
A pulled pork meal will be served from 5-5:45 p.m. and costs $8 per person.
The in-service cost is $10 per person or $50 per parish. For more information or to register, contact your parish leader or Kloft at (563) 285-4596.