4-15 ROME — Annual formation course for new bishops
17 RICHMOND — Confirmation, Holy Trinity, Richmond; St. Mary, Riverside; St. Joseph, Wellman at Holy Trinity, 2 p.m.
19 DAVENPORT — MORE deanery meeting, St. Vincent Center
19 DAVENPORT — Presbyteral Council meeting, St. Vincent Center
19 DEWITT — Clinton Deanery Blue Mass, St. Joseph, 5:30 p.m.21 DAVENPORT — Assumption High School Mass, 9:55 a.m.
21 DAVENPORT — Davenport Deanery meeting, St. Vincent Center
22 DAVENPORT — Mass with hospital Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Genesis West, 10 a.m.
23 MUSCATINE — 175th Anniversary of the Catholic community in Muscatine, Ss. Mary & Mathias, 5 p.m.
25 IOWA CITY — Newman Catholic Student Center Board meeting
26 MUSCATINE — Ss.. Mary & Mathias School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
27 IOWA CITY — Mercy Medical Center, blessing of work force
28 DAVENPORT — Mass, Humility of Mary Convent
28 DAVENPORT — Diocesan Building Commission, St. Vincent Center
29 DAVENPORT — Dedication of St. Ambrose Wellness & Recreation Center, 5:30 p.m.