Many people from throughout the Diocese of Davenport had roles in the Solemn Vespers service and ordination and installation ceremony for Bishop Thomas Zinkula.

Members of “Apostles of Hymn” at St. John Vianney Church in Bettendorf play “O God, Beyond All Praising” at the Solemn Vespers service June 21 for Bishop-elect Thomas Zinkula at the church.
Presider: Bishop Martin Amos
Homilist: Bishop-elect Thomas Zinkula
Deacons: Robert Shaw, David Montgomery, Terry Starns, John Osborne
Acolytes: Members of Deacon Formation Class VII
Reader: Jim Collins
Intercessions: Katherine Quiroz (Spanish), Lien Truong (Vietnamese), Robert Tomanek (Czech), Rosemarie Ancheta (Tagalog), Jacinta Njoroge (Swahili)
Music ministry: “Apostles of Hymn” from St. John Vianney Parish, Bettendorf; Eleanor Kiel and Rachel Isaacson, directors
Masters of Ceremony: Deacon Francis Agnoli and Kay Temple

Seminarian Scott Foley, center, was among dozens of people who served at the ordination and installation of Thomas Zinkula as Bishop of Davenport June 22 at St. John Vianney Church in Bettendorf.
Ordination and installation:
Principal Consecrating Bishop and Homilist: Archbishop Michael Jackels, Archbishop of Dubuque, Metropolitan of the Province of Dubuque
Principal co-concelebrating bishops: Archbishop Emeritus Jerome Hanus, OSB, of Dubuque; Bishop Emeritus Martin Amos of Davenport
Concelebrants: Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the U.S.; Bishop R. Walker Nickless of the Diocese of Sioux City, Iowa; Bishop Richard Pates of the Diocese of Des Moines, Iowa; Bishop Emeritus Joseph Charron, C.PP.S., of Des Moines; visiting archbishops and bishops.
The College of Consultors for the Diocese of Davenport: Father Nick Adam, Father Paul Connolly, Father Tony Herold, Msgr. John Hyland, Father Rudolph Juarez, Father Ken Kuntz, Father Joseph Sia, Father David Steinle.
Chaplains: Father Bruce DeRammelaere, Father Jacob Greiner, Father Thom Hennen, Father David Wilkening.
Priests of the Diocese of Davenport, seminary representatives, visiting priests
Deacons of the Mass: Jeff Schuetzle, Dan Huber
Deacons assisting: Mark Comer, Dan Goetz
Deacons of the Diocese of Davenport
Servers: Seminarians of the Diocese of Davenport
Banner bearers: Youths of the Diocese of Davenport
Readers: Mauri Hernandez, Trien Ngo
Music ministry: Trevor Loes, director; Carmen Heaton, organist; Mark Carroll, cantor; Diocesan Choir and Ensemble
Presentation of the Sacred Chrism, Episcopal Insignia, offerings of bread and wine: members of Bishop Zinkula’s family
Honor Guard: Knights of Columbus, representing all six deaneries of the Diocese of Davenport
Masters of Ceremonies: Deacon Francis Agnoli, Deacon David Montgomery, Kay Temple
In attendance: members of the lay faithful of the Diocese of Davenport (representing parishes and schools, St. Ambrose University in Davenport, religious orders and congregations, various lay associations, ministries and diocesan boards, commissions and committees that serve the diocese).
Guests: Iowa Catholic Conference, Knights of Columbus in Iowa, Eastern Catholic Community.
Ecumenical and interreligious representatives: the Rev. John Horn, dean of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Davenport; Rabbi Henry Karp and Cantor Gail Posner Karp, representing the Jewish community; Leslie Kilgannon, executive director of Quad Cities Interfaith; Lisa Killinger, representing the Muslim community; Allan Ross, executive director of the Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities.
Civil representatives: Bettendorf Mayor Bob Gallagher and Davenport Mayor Frank Klipsch.