To the Editor:
We want to say thank you to all who helped make our 2017 God’s Portion Day such a success. We tried some new things this year, made a few changes and now look forward to planning next year’s God’s Portion Day on Sunday, March 11, 2018. The school board has a goal of $115,000. We raised over $105,000 this year. One-hundred percent of the proceeds help out Notre Dame Catholic School and the general budget. If you were not able to attend, but would like to make a monetary donation and help us hit our goal please send a check to:
Burlington Notre Dame – God’s Portion Day, 702 S. Roosevelt Ave., Burlington, Iowa 52601.
You can also make a donation on-line at burlingtonnotredame. com. Scroll down to “Make a difference” and click Donate Now. Thank you for your support of Catholic education.
Val Giannettino
Development Director,
Notre Dame Catholic School, Burlington