BETTENDORF — Jacob Hintze was recognized by Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate for efforts to participate in the Iowa Youth Straw Poll for the 2016 general election. Hintze is a teacher of sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade social studies and eighth-grade math at Lourdes Catholic School.

Hintze organized the event for the school’s students in grades one through eight and reported the straw poll results to the Capitol office “accurately and promptly,” a state press release said. “Jacob Hintze stepped up and registered to include our students’ voices in the statewide straw poll and, as a result of their efforts, students received a unique civil education experience,” the news release stated.
According to the Secretary of State’s office, the leadership of Iowa teachers such as Hintze resulted in national recognition for the Iowa Youth Straw Poll. It won the National Association of State Boards of Education Award for Outstanding Leadership in Voter Education from the National Parent Student Mock Election. Iowa also was a national top five finalist for the Government Social Media Award regarding the election.
More than 250 schools in Iowa participated in the Iowa Youth Straw Poll.