How to address Bishop Amos; changes to Mass


Instructions on Eucharistic Prayer and Universal Prayer

Bishop Martin Amos, now retired, serves as apostolic administrator for the Diocese of Davenport until the ordination and installation of Bishop-elect Thomas Zinkula as the diocese’s next bishop on June 22. The following norms are observed regarding the Eucharistic Prayer and Universal Prayer:

Eucharistic Prayer: Bishop Amos continues to be mentioned as he has been in the past because, as apostolic administrator, and a member of the college of bishops, he remains the link of unity between the Diocese of Davenport and the Holy See. The next bishop is NOT mentioned in the Eucharistic Prayer.

Universal Prayer, before ordination: Because the next bishop has not yet been ordained to the episcopacy, the term “bishop-elect” is preferred. For example, the following intercessions could be used:


For Bishop-elect Thomas, our next shepherd; that he would be filled with every grace and lead your people in kindness and truth. We pray to the Lord.

That Bishop-elect Thomas, who has been called to be the Ninth Bishop of Davenport, would be a compassionate and wise shepherd. We pray to the Lord.

Universal Prayer, after ordination: Bishop Zinkula is now mentioned in the Eucharistic Prayer and Universal Prayer. Bishop Amos’ name is no longer mentioned in the Eucharistic Prayer.

While the term “bishop emeritus” is not used in the Eucharistic Prayer, references to Bishop Amos in the intercessions use that designation.

Forms of address and dress

From the moment their appointments are announced, bishops-elect are entitled to the styles “Excellency” and “Most Reverend.” They may also immediately assume the zucchetto and pectoral cross (as well as the amaranth choir cassock, biretta, mozzetta, rochet and the simar with appropriate piping and shoulder cape). The miter, crozier and ring are conferred at ordination.

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