By Lindsay Steele
The Catholic Messenger
IOWA CITY — The fifth-annual Culture of Life Dinner will take place April 29 at 5:30 p.m. at St. Wenceslaus Parish. The event will feature witness stories and honor pro-life practitioners, educators and doctors. A free will donation will be accepted to assist future pro-life healthcare providers in learning and teaching the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare™ System.
The Creighton Model was developed by the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha, Neb., to help couples unravel the mysteries of the menstrual cycle and female fertility. It can be used to help couples avoid or achieve pregnancy and to identify hormonal abnormalities.
Persons practicing the Creighton Model must receive training through the Pope Paul VI Institute. For several years, the St. Wenceslaus Knights of Columbus Council #14385, along with former Iowa City resident Stephen Pallone, MD, and his wife, Melinda, have offered grants to help offset the training costs. Donations from the Culture of Life Dinner will benefit the grant program. Information will be presented for those considering education at Pope Paul VI Institute and how to apply for grant assistance.
This year’s speakers are David and Claire Baumgartner of Coralville, and Sarah Kopriva of Clutier, Iowa. The Baumgartners are practicing medical doctors — David in emergency medicine, and Claire in palliative care. They will openly discuss their thoughts about utilizing the Creighton Model in their own family and the benefits it has had on their family and marriage. Kopriva, a FertilityCare practitioner intern, will give her personal witness as to how natural women’s healthcare celebrates human life and respects the way people are created.
The event is being sponsored by the St. Wenceslaus KC council. Reserve a spot for the dinner at or call (319) 400-5695 for more information.