Article on settlements was biased


To the Editor:
I have some comments and questions in response to the very biased Jan. 26, article “Christians must oppose Israeli settlements” where a delegation of bishops recently visited the Palestinian areas.
• Hebron is the site of the oldest Jewish community in the world, one of the four holy cities in Judaism, and the burial site of the Jewish Patriarchs and Matriarchs. Jews have lived in Hebron continuously for thousands of years, except when forced out like in 1929 when local Arabs massacred 67 Jewish men, women and children. Are the bishops suggesting that Hebron be Jewish-free?
• Why did the bishops only talk about the Israeli blockade of Gaza and fail to mention the Egyptian blockade of southern Gaza? In fact, the Egyptians have destroyed dozens of smuggling tunnels from the Sinai into Gaza, trying to prevent the Palestinians from continuing their support of ISIS terrorist groups in the Sinai who are killing Egyptians.
• Why did the bishops not mention that millions of dollars in aid monies from charity organizations such as World Vision and millions of tons of building materials meant for home reconstruction in Gaza have been siphoned off by Hamas to build attack tunnels and other military purposes to kill Jews?
• Finally, the Israeli security barrier has proven itself to be very effective in preventing Palestinian terrorists from murdering innocent Israelis in supermarkets, restaurants, teen clubs and toy stores. Aren’t Israeli lives more important than limiting Palestinian travel?
Peace and justice will only be possible in the Holy Land when Israeli and Palestinian leaders sit down and talk face to face. Until that happens, the anti-Israel bias demonstrated by these bishops will do nothing to advance the cause of peace.
Alan Ross, Executive Director,
Jewish Federation of the Quad Cites

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