Pro-life letter misleading


To the Editor:

Glenn Leach’s Nov. 3 letter attempting to refute Michelle Snyder’s Oct. 27 letter fails in many ways. Since he mentions the 10 Commandments, one might consider that worshipping only the one true God is the basis for loving one’s neighbor, especially the command not to kill/murder. In fact, Psalm 106 tells us that those who worshipped false gods sacrificed their children!

Mr. Leach presents false choices in his questions. He implies a choice between laws protecting unborn kids and their moms or prenatal care. He makes unwarranted assumptions. Even the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin said in interviews that one may disqualify a candidate on an issue and that there are times when a specific issue is of such importance as to claim top priority. Ms. Snyder did mention two other issues: the redefinition of marriage and religious freedom which Mr. Leach conveniently ignored.

Finally, his assertion that the World Health Organization says the U.S. is fifth or sixth from the bottom in infant mortality is vague and unsubstantiated.


According to the World Almanac — 2016 (2015), created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Vital Statistics of the United States, (2012), the U.S. has an infant mortality rate of 6 infant deaths per 1,000 births. How does that begin to compare to the 1 in 3 pregnancies ended by abortion? The World Book Encyclopedia (2016) chart shows that Australia, Canada and the U.K. have 5 infant deaths per 1,000 births. Doesn’t seem like a big difference to me.
Who is poorer than a helpless child, deprived of food and shelter by a violent, brutal, fatal act that removes him or her from his/her mother’s nurturing body?

Mary Rourke

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