List of considerations ranks differs


To the Editor:

As the election draws ever closer, I’d like to comment on the opinion piece in the Oct. 20 edition of The Catholic Messenger by Tony Magliano, “Voting with a Christian conscience.”

In reading through Mr. Magliano’s comments, I noted that he listed many issues that we as a nation, and a world, face today.

I sought out the document he recommended, “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” and compared the lists given by both for reflection in choosing a candidate in the upcoming election, and forming our consciences.


Both Mr. Magliano and the USCCB document have the same lists of considerations.  However, I noted that the lists also differ. While both lists include abortion, war, poverty and assisted suicide, I note that the lists are not in the same order.  When ranking these issues to consider, Mr. Magliano, though he begins his column with the “unborn baby,” lists abortion, and physician-assisted suicide last in his list of issues to consider. He also failed to include some very important items which are included in the document he recommends, the redefinition of marriage and religious freedom.

Mr. Magliano’s list is inverted and incomplete in comparison to the document he recommends for our consideration.

St. John Paul II wrote in Living the Gospel of Life, “The failure to protect and defend life in its most vulnerable stages render suspect any claims to the “rightness” of positions in other matters…”

Michelle Snyder

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