To the Editor:
We are most grateful for the excellent coverage which The Catholic Messenger has provided for our ongoing effort to champion the “Culture of Life” through the Celebration of Life Black and White galas. Our seventh annual event held at St. Ambrose University in August was tremendous in so many ways. The spirit of joy and exuberance which characterized the mood of the gathering began beautifully with the Life Mass, at which Bishop Martin Amos presided. Diocesan priests concelebrated and women religious, the Knights of Columbus and the community of the faithful participated. Many commented that the atmosphere was truly one of a celebration of life.
We are thankful for the leadership of the hosts: Holy Family Parish, Davenport, and the pastor, Father Bob Harness. Members from several parishes that hosted in the past were part of the Black and White Team.
The team did a fantastic job in putting together another memorable experience. It provided an opportunity to stand in solidarity with all pro-life advocates, especially those who are in the trenches 24/7. They strive to be Jesus to those who need encouragement as they are entrusted with God’s gift of life from its very beginning to its natural end.
Birthright, Life and Family’s Women’s Choice Center, Pregnancy Resources, Right to Life and our diocesan Project Rachel, benefited from the proceeds — over $12,500. These groups provided a short synopsis of their work to an audience of more than 240 people.
Special thanks goes to all those who so generously donated fabulous gifts for the raffle and silent auction. The donations of time, talent and treasure have continued to be amazing and greatly appreciated. All are encouraged to put Friday, Aug. 11, 2017, on their calendars for the eighth annual celebration of “The Black And White Gala.”
Brad Merritt, DC, member of the Black and White Gala Team
St. Paul the Apostle Parish, Davenport