Personal encounter with Mother Teresa


To the Editor:
I enjoyed the story about Mother Teresa’s visit to Davenport in 1976. My husband Francis and I were there to hear her. May I share my story about meeting her?
Whenever we went to Davenport, we always took a 30-dozen case of eggs from our farm to the Catholic Worker House. We went early to deliver our eggs before her talk. We parked our car and were carrying the carton of eggs to the sidewalk leading to the worker house — and what a surprise! From the opposite direction Father Marvin Mottet, a priest cousin, was coming with Mother Teresa. He was bringing her there to freshen up before her talk.
We met at the end of the sidewalk and Francis set the eggs down. Fr. Mottet introduced us and we exchanged greetings and good wishes, then we all went inside. We took the eggs to the kitchen and Mother Teresa was shown to a room to rest a bit. I will never forget standing in front of the Catholic Worker House talking to her.
I always knew she was short, but she was four or five inches shorter than I, and I’m considered short. A good memory, now that she is being canonized.
Teresa Mottet

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