To the Editor:
Take a hint from your new award. Your June 9th issue states that The Catholic Messenger won the first place Catholic Press Award for the best explanation of the church’s position on marriage. The marriage series was on the holy Catholic faith’s interpretation of Jesus’ teaching on marriage and divorce as it is lived out in daily life.
It was pertinent for today’s Catholics struggling with marriage and divorce. It used good interpretations of Scripture quotes, Tradition, historical writings, modern concerns and logical reasoning to explain the church’s position on marriage. Let’s have more articles like this that state a Catholic doctrine or teaching, and explain it in a true Catholic way from all these same sources.
Most of The Catholic Messenger’s articles are on stories of good Catholics living out their lives in moral ways. These articles are good examples for us readers, but explaining in more detail how the holy faith of the church is behind these wonderful ways of corporal and spiritual works of mercy is even better. More awards will be in your future if you do.
We Catholics must start with our faith and trust in Christ, which leads to good moral works, or we are no different than the many fraternal organizations out there that also do good works.
Francis Schatz
Sacred Heart Parish, Newton