Twins raise money for clothing center


Kat Gay
The Catholic Messenger
DAVENPORT — Eleven-year-old twins Korrine and Keira Davison spend their time as dancers, band members and volunteers at Sacred Heart Clothing Center.

Contributed Keira, left, and Korrine Davison presented Mary Gillooly with a check for $67 for the Sacred heart Clothing Center in Davenport. The twins raised money by selling lemonade.
Keira, left, and Korrine Davison presented Mary Gillooly with a check for $67 for the Sacred heart Clothing Center in Davenport. The twins raised money by selling lemonade.

Recently, the girls held a lemonade stand to raise money, which is a typical kid activity. Not so typical is what Korinne and Keira chose to do with the $67 they raised. They donated the money to the Sacred Heart Clothing Center to help those in need.
“This was completely their idea,” Theresa Davison, the girls’ mother, said. “It was a hot commodity.”
The girls thought having a lemonade stand would be fun. But they felt that they already had all the money they need, so they wanted to donate their proceeds to help other people.
Their desire to help others began at an early age, and they have been volunteering at the center for about two years. Seeing the people who come in for clothing and household items has had a serious impact on these girls and continues to fuel their desire to help.
Over the winter the volunteers recalled a situation where a man came in with duct-taped shoes. “It was really sad,” Keira said. But the man left with a new pair that would keep his feet warm and dry.
“Their volunteer work at Sacred Heart was inspired by their grandma, Marina Castel, a longtime parishioner. She has been volunteering at the center for years. Bringing the girls with her is a help to those visiting the center and other volunteers.
Roxanne Miner, another volunteer at the center, says that everyone loves having the girls there. The girls are treated the same as any other volunteer, and they don’t shy away from any job. They have helped to babysit while other children’s parents look for clothing. They have organized items that come in. The Davison girls also find joy in painting other girls’ fingernails and having fun with people they meet at the center.
The center provides more than clothing and household items to its visitors. The homey environment gives those who visit a safe place to enjoy company and have snacks such as cookies and fruit.
Sacred Heart Clothing Center, which will be closed in July, is moving a block and a half away from its current location in Davenport to LeClaire Street. The new location offers more room for the center, which is always looking for donations. Everything is free for the shoppers. Items such as undergarments, socks, backpacks and bags are always a must have.
Calling on the words in a prayer of St. Teresa of Avilia, Korrine and Keira have learned that they are the hands and feet of Christ and are showing his love and mercy through their volunteer work. The girls say that they are going to continue helping people.

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