Bishop Martin Amos’ schedule for June


3 DAVENPORT — Serra Mass, St. Vincent Center, 7 a.m.
3 DAVENPORT — Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Mass, Sacred Heart Cathedral, 5:30 p.m.
4 DAVENPORT — Ordination to the Priesthood, Rev. Mr. Ross Epping; Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate, Daniel Dorau and Christopher Weber; Sacred Heart Cathedral, 10 a.m.
5 SOLON — Ss. Peter and Paul Historical Foundation 100 Year Celebration Mass, 10 a.m.
5 CLINTON — Confirmation, Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, 3 p.m.
6 DAVENPORT — Priests’ Aid Society meeting
6-8 DAVENPORT — Clergy Institute, Steeplegate Inn Best Western
8 DAVENPORT — Presbyteral Council meeting
11 DAVENPORT — Mass and Installation of Deacon Candidates as Acolytes, St. Paul the Apostle, 4:30 p.m.
14 ELDRIDGE —Mass, Carmelite Monastery
20 DAVENPORT — Mass, Humility of Mary Convent
21 DAVENPORT — Mass, Kahl Home
26 TIPTON — Confirmation, St. Mary, 10 a.m.
27 FORT MADISON — Catholics in Action
28 DAVENPORT — Mass, Kahl Home
30 DAVENPORT — Diocesan Building Commission

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