Evert to speak on purity


Davenport/Iowa City — Jason Evert, founder of the Chastity Project, will speak at St. Patrick Parish-Iowa City April 27 and at Our Lady of Victory Parish-Daven­port on April 28. Both evenings follow the same time schedule.


In his first presentation from 6-7:15 p.m., he will speak to parents about how to prepare children for purity. Evert will offer communication techniques, resources and other information to assist parents in their task as the primary educators of their children. Teens can enjoy a pizza dinner during that time slot. A presentation for teens, “Love or Lust?” will take place from 7:30-9:30 p.m. and includes confession, adoration and music. Parents are encouraged to attend the teen talk as well.

The event is sponsored by Knights of Columbus Insurance, along with private sponsors.

Please RSVP for evening presentations by visiting www.jcrtl.org


The planning committee for the event offered the following thoughts on Evert:

Jason has a unique and very effective approach in engaging our youth to understand the importance of practicing the virtue of chastity and the rewards that accompany it. He provides hope and encouragement to those who have been entrapped in the world’s message of sexual gratification, pornography, etc. and are looking for true love. Jason has personally faced the same difficult issues that our youth are experiencing today and he knows how to relate the Truth to them, in a helpful and honest way.

While our culture is engulfed in sexual sin, Jason encourages our youth to seek truth and to settle for nothing less than God’s plan for them. With clarity, he offers great advice and guidance to help parents understand their role as the primary sex educators of their children.

Jason is a dynamic speaker who really cares about today’s young people and has a desire to help them understand the true meaning of authentic love, which is the deepest desire in everyone’s heart.

Many testimonials from those who have attended Jason’s presentations, reveal how his message has touched their lives. They are thankful for his honesty in sharing God’s plan for their gift of sexuality and how lust, the counterfeit of love, is stealing the joy and peace from true love.  Our hope is that our youth will embrace a new desire to follow God’s plan no matter where the past has led them, with the sacrament of confession as the vehicle for starting anew. We hope those who will attend, come to understand that God loves us and wants us all to experience authentic love, and especially realize that our loving God always wants what is best for us.


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