School Sister of St. Francis Sigfrieda Hettinger, who ministered in education for more than half a century, died Jan. 24 at St. Luke’s Hospital in Milwaukee. Sister was 87.

The daughter of Frederick and Mathilda Hettinger, she was born April 12, 1928, in North Aurora, Ill. She was received into the School Sisters of St. Francis on June 13, 1947; made her first profession of vows June 21, 1949; and final (perpetual) vows June 21, 1955.
Sr. Hettinger served as a teacher and in religious education for 53 years in Iowa, Nebraska, Montana, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois. In the Diocese of Davenport, she served as a religious education coordinator at St. James Parish, Washington, from 1980-1985; and director of religious education at St. Joseph Parish, DeWitt, from 1985-1988.
A wake and funeral were held Jan. 27 at St. Joseph Convent, Milwaukee. Burial was in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Milwaukee.