Persons with breast, prostate, lung, colorectal, ovarian or brain cancers may choose to donate tissue or blood to the John Paul II Medical Research Institute (JP2MRI) in an effort to help advance cancer research and find a cure. Participation in the research program is done on a volunteer basis.
Researchers will take the samples and use laboratory techniques to grow the cancer cells. These cancer cells will then undergo cancer drug testing. This method will help researchers find the best chemotherapy solutions and develop cell lines for discovering better cancer drugs. While there is no guarantee that the data will directly benefit the donor, any successes will be shared with the donor and his or her physician. Ultimately, it will be up to the donor’s physician to decide on the best treatment option.
In many cases, physicians do a biopsy of a tumor as part of treatment. If someone opts to be part of the JP2MRI study, the physician can save a small piece for that research. The donor will sign a consent form prior to donating the tumor. No additional procedure is necessary. To donate a blood sample, the donor’s physician will draw blood.
While the cancer cells that grow as part of the research could be commercially sold to other researchers for further research, the donor’s name, address and any other identifying information will not be released to any third party. The donor’s safety will always take precedence over any research.
JP2MRI is a pro-life nonprofit based in Iowa City whose mission is to find cures and therapies exclusively using adult stem cells. The institute works with Iowa-based Cellular Engineering Technologies to manufacture adult stem cells and develop personalized diagnostic solutions.
Those interested in participating can contact JP2MRI at, or can ask their physician to contact JP2MRI.