DAVENPORT — Starting in 2016, St. Ambrose University Professional Development will offer a Certificate in Leadership. The certificate program is for both experienced and newly appointed leaders and managers in the for- and nonprofit world, as well as those who wish to advance in their careers. To earn the certificate, four core and two elective courses must be completed within two years. Courses will be taught by College of Business faculty members Randy Richards, Ron Wastyn, Dan Ebener and adjunct faculty member Fred Smith.
Core courses include Strategic Leadership, Leading and Managing Change, Leadership Essentials and Leadership Communication. Electives include Building Effective Teams, Decision Making, Conversational Leadership, Negotiation Management and Conflict to Collaboration and Servant Leadership.
Participants who register for all six classes in advance will receive a 10 percent discount. Corporate and alumni discounts are also available. Classes may be taken on an individual basis. Cost Includes all seminar materials, a light breakfast, networking luncheons and snacks.
Classes will take place at the SAU Downtown Education Center, 331 West Third Street.
For more information or to register for classes, call (563) 333-5723, email PD@sau.edu, or go to www.sau.edu/pd.