‘Flat Amos’ winner announced


By Anne Marie Amacher
The Catholic Messenger

CLINTON — Sophomore Emma Kitteringham was surprised to learn that she was the winner of the Flat Amos contest to depict Bishop Martin Amos. The Prince of Peace Catholic School student said she has “never been amazing at artwork,” but felt it was cool to be the winner. “I am honored,” she told The Catholic Messenger.
All junior high and high school students in the Diocese of Davenport were invited to design a Flat Amos as a way to kick off the Year of Mercy. More than 200 entries were submitted.

Karen Witt Prince of Peace (Clinton) Catholic School sophomore Emma Kitteringham holds her winning “Flat Amos.”
Karen Witt
Prince of Peace (Clinton) Catholic School sophomore Emma Kitteringham holds her winning “Flat Amos.”

Emma said Flat Amos was an assignment for religion class to be done at home. Instructions were posted online by her teacher and photos were displayed in the classroom. She said she “googled” Bishop Amos so she could view additional photos on a computer at home. She also stumbled across the Flat Francis that depicts Pope Francis and used that as a guide for her artwork.

She illustrated the bishop’s vestments based on what he was wearing in most photos taken of him at various Masses.


Emma actually had lunch with Bishop Amos during the recent National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) in Indianapolis, but she had no idea at that point that her entry was a top contender.

Take Flat Amos on a journey

Catholics from throughout the diocese — young and old — are encouraged to make a printout of the Flat Amos artwork. It can be downloaded by visiting our website at www.catholicmessenger.net and clicking on the Flat Amos button on the left side of the page.

You can make a printout of the bishop and leave the image on the full sheet of paper or cut along the outline. Place the image in a plastic sleeve, laminate it or put on a stick. Take Flat Amos with you wherever you go during the Year of Mercy. Snap a “selfie” photo of you and the “bishop” alone or in a group. Or have someone take a photo of you with Flat Amos.

Submit your photos to The Catholic Messenger and we’ll publish them in the following media: the paper and e-edition of The Catholic Messenger, our website www.catholicmessenger.net, our Facebook page “The Catholic Messenger” or on Twitter at @CathMsngr.

Submit photos by email to messenger@davenportdiocese.org or post to our Facebook or Twitter pages.

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