To the editor:
In the Oct. 8 issue, Father Tad Pacholczyk stated adoration for Kim Davis for refusing to carry out her legal duty of issuing marriage licenses. He states Kim Davis responded to, “chaotic attempts to undermine marriage and the rule of law.”
According to this argument, our nation is supposed to be governed by Catholic doctrines. Never mind that other Christian churches recognize gay marriages, that gay marriage is the law of the land. These secular differences are not relevant for Fr. Tad.
According to this line of argument, the legalization of birth control, a woman’s right to choose and the appointment of women to be church clergy should not be tolerated in American society.
Breaking news tip for Fr. Tad, this is a secular nation. What goes on in the Catholic Church is the domain of the Catholic Church. Members of the Catholic Church should tolerate living in a secular democracy. That acceptance does not mean we surrender our beliefs. Our beliefs are not being undermined by outsiders. We are in control of what we practice in our Catholic faith.
John Clayton