To the Editor:
It’s been 70 years since atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, claiming over 250,000 lives. Forty five years ago the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) called for an end of nuclear weapons and the peaceful use of nuclear energy. In 1996, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty called for an end to nuclear armament.
In May, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, signed by 191 nations, was reviewed by the United Nations. Article VI of the treaty requires that “Each of the Parties to the Treaty undertakes to pursue negotiations toward the goal of nuclear disarmament.” While President Obama has called for a non-nuclear world, the New York Times reported in a 2014 investigation, that the Pentagon plans to modernize the U.S. nuclear capacity, with as much as $1 billion in projected spending over the next three decades.
Now is the time for our government to fulfill its commitments to nuclear disarmament as agreed upon in these treaties. It is a critical time to reduce and totally eliminate our nuclear armaments and realign financial resources towards education, jobs and food programs.
Learn more about the nuclear issue by joining the Franciscan Peace Center for a free movie, entitled “Beating the Bomb” on Thursday, Aug. 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Canticle, 841 13th Ave. North, Clinton. This is an award-winning documentary which frames the nuclear weapons issue within the wider context of global justice. For more information, call (563) 242-7611 or go to
Nancy Miller, OSF
Franciscan Peace Center, Clinton