Two to be ordained priests, another a deacon on June 6


By Anne Marie Amacher
The Catholic Messenger

Two men will be ordained to the priesthood and one man will be ordained a transitional deacon during an ordination Mass June 6 at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Davenport. The Mass begins at 10 a.m.

Bishop Martin Amos will ordain Deacons Bill Roush and Guillermo Treviño, Jr., to the priesthood and Ross Epping to the diaconate in preparation for the priesthood.

Dcn. Roush

Deacon Roush, 61, was born in Iowa City and attended schools in Conesville and Columbus Community High School. He attended Muscatine Community College and graduated from Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee with a Bachelor of Arts in religion. He earned his Master of Divinity at Sacred Heart Seminary in Hales Corner, Wisconsin.
Prior to entering the seminary, he worked at Monsanto for 25 years and was a partner in two small businesses — Touched by the Light (laser engraving) and Correll Apple Cider Presses of Iowa.


He was married to Cynthia Ann Druva-Roush for 11 years before she passed away in 1997 of breast cancer. They have two daughters. Elsabeth Druva Hepworth is married to Matthew. Jeanette is a member of the Peace Corps and is stationed in Mozambique, Africa.

Deacon Roush completed his clinical pastoral education the summer of 2013 at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. He did internships at Ss. Mary & Mathias Parish in Muscatine in 2012 and St. Mary Parish in Davenport in 2014.

He was ordained a deacon in 2014 at Sacred Heart Cathedral.

After ordination he will celebrate his first Mass June 7 at St. Mary Parish in Iowa City. Concelebrants will be Fathers John Spiegel, pastor; and Steve Witt, parochial vicar. A reception will be held after Mass on June 7 in the parish hall. Just prior to his ordination, Deacon Roush made a pilgrimage in Spain to the Camino de Comp­ostela.

Deacon Treviño, 29, was born in San Antonio, Texas, and grew up in Moline, Illinois. He graduated from Moline High School. He earned his Associate of Arts in political science from Black Hawk College in Moline and bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Con­ception Seminary Col­lege in Conception, Missouri. He earned his Master of Divinity from University of St. Mary of the Lake: Mundelein Seminary in Mundelein, Illinois.

He was a student worker for Black Hawk College’s family literacy program from 2004-08 where he helped teach English, the citizenship test and government to GED students. He was a reporter for Hola America English-Spanish newspaper from 2006-08 and wrote on government, sports and issues pertaining to the Hispanic community.

Dcn. Treviño

Deacon Treviño completed his clinical pastoral education at Trinity West Hospital (now UnityPoint Health) in Rock Island, Ill., in 2012. He did internships at St. Joseph Parish in DeWitt, Prince of Peace Parish in Clinton in 2014 and St. James Parish in Highwood, Ill., on weekends during the 2014-15 academic year. During his pastoral year he served at St. Patrick Parish in Iowa City.

He was ordained a deacon in 2014 at Sacred Heart Cathedral.

After ordination to the priesthood he will celebrate his first Mass June 7 at his home parish, St. Mary in Moline. He also will celebrate Masses at St. Patrick in Iowa City on June 13 and 14, Prince of Peace in Clinton on June 20, St. Joseph in DeWitt on June 21 and St. James in Highwood on June 28.

Epping, 25, completed his third year major seminary at Mundelein University. His home parish in the Davenport Diocese is Holy Family in Davenport. His family resides in the Archdiocese of Dubuque with his home parish there being St. John in Blairstown. He anticipates being ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Davenport in 2016.

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