Help Nepal earthquake victims


Catholic Relief Services and its partner Caritas Nepal plan to support 10,000 families with emergency shelter, blankets, water treatment kits and hygiene kits following the Nepal earthquake. Because this region is known for earthquakes, CRS had prepositioned emergency aid in nearby Bihar, India. Temporary shelter kits, water purification kits and hygiene kits for 2,000 families are being transported to Nepal for immediate distribution.

An additional 3,000 tarpaulins will be flown from a hub in Dubai within the next couple days. CRS is also procuring emergency supplies in India. And more emergency personnel are on the way.

CRS has made an initial commitment of $825,000 to relief efforts in Nepal, a figure that is expected to rise as needs become clearer.

The people of Nepal urgently need you to respond. Your donation will help CRS’ immediate response and allow us to reach even more families affected by this disaster.


To donate online visit PageServer?pagename=mg_emergency; by phone at (877) 435-7277 from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Eastern Time. or mail your check or money order to: Catholic Relief Services, P.O. Box 17090, Baltimore, MD 21297-0303.

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