To the Editor:
In the Feb. 16, 2015, issue of America, a weekly magazine published by the Jesuits, there was an interview with Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Germany. He spoke of an observance of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation being planned for 2017. The Lutheran World Federation will join the Holy See in this remembrance.
To quote Cardinal Marx, “We in the Catholic Church cannot ‘celebrate’ this anniversary, since it is not good that the church has been divided during these centuries. But we have to heal our memories — an important point and a good step forward in our relationship.”
He also said, “The heads of the Protestant church do not want to celebrate the anniversary without the Catholics.” They are calling it Healing Memories.
This is the most exciting news I’ve heard in my lifetime of 86 years. Are any observances being planned in the U.S., or in the Diocese of Davenport? Or should parishes plan their own observances? Perhaps someone should contact Cardinal Marx for copies of whatever they will be doing. This should be observed everywhere.
Teresa Mottet