Scripture reading reflection


Scripture Reading Reflection
By Fr. Andrew Kelly
Lent is like being a believing community on the mountain with Jesus as described in Sunday’s Gospel (Mark 9:2-10). Jesus begins radiating the fullness of God’s glory and presence. Jesus communicates with Elijah and Moses, Israel’s great prophetic leaders. Obviously the disciples and the assembled community are experiencing a world that far transcends the comprehension of mere mortals. Mortals can only be in awe.
Peter opens his mouth in acclamation: “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here…” But just like in community life, Peter forgot to close his mouth. Peter wants to control and hoard the glory by building tents of preservation. It took a divine intervention for Peter to close his mouth:
“Then a cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud there came a voice, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!’”
Christian living is not about controlling, building and hoarding divine glory. Christian living means listening to Jesus so as to understand Jesus’ cross of self-surrender and self-emptying in community life.
Essential requirements for quality Lenten time on the mountain with Jesus are eyes and ears open but mouths closed. Open mouths indicate a community listening only to itself and probably ignoring Jesus’ cross.
(Father Andrew Kelly is a retired priest of the Diocese of Davenport.)

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