Scripture reading reflection


by Fr. Andrew Kelly
Through prayer and action believers live Jesus’ Sunday Gospel proclamation (Mark 1:14-20): “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.”
Because of Jesus Christ, God’s promise of “I will be your God and you will be my people” is fulfilled. This fulfilled promise is what the nearness of God’s kingdom is all about.
For the promise to be fulfilled and God’s kingdom coming near, believers have the responsibility to “repent, and believe in the good news.” The good news is Jesus Christ’s person and presence alive in believers’ every breathing moment.
Repenting is responding to Jesus’ call: “Follow me…” The response is the radical conversion to Jesus’ ways as Simon, Andrew, James and John did. Following Jesus means every day will be dedicated to living as Jesus’ disciple in whatever life situation the believer lives.
Through daily moments of prayerful silence, believers deepen their awareness of Jesus’ presence. After the silence, Jesus’ words and deeds become the pattern of believers’ lives. Believers begin to integrate and implement Jesus’ mission into their every daily activity.
Following Jesus means being Jesus in every life situation, no matter the cost.

(Father Andrew Kelly is a retired priest of the Diocese of Davenport.)

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