Vocation day set for Oct. 12


By Anne Marie Amacher
The Catholic Messenger
Fifth- and sixth-grade students are invited to spend time together to talk about what is important in their lives, what they want to be when they grow up, and what God’s plan is for them. A vocation day will be held Oct. 12 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Bettendorf.
Father Thom Hennen, director of vocations for the Diocese of Davenport, said having a vocation day on a weekend allows youths who attend public schools or home schools to talk about vocations and their future along with students from Catholic schools.
In the past, the vocations department has held a vocation day for fifth-graders at Catholic schools in the diocese. But with Fr. Hennen adding part-time teaching to his busy schedule, he decided to offer a weekend event that allows fifth- and sixth-graders from any educational setting to attend.
Introductions and a warm-up game lead into the first break-out session of vocation day. Break-outs feature a talk by a deacon and his wife on the sacrament of marriage and the permanent diaconate; a priest talking with boys and a nun talking with girls; and a youth ministry activity on discernment.
Following the first break-out will be a question-and-answer session with Bishop Martin Amos. The youths will attend Mass at which Bishop Amos presides. After lunch, youths will rotate break-out sessions. The closing begins at 1:20 p.m. and concludes by 2 p.m.
Joyce Kloft, faith formation minister for PS-6 at St. Ann Parish in Long Grove and vocation event coordinator, said the parish that sends the most participants will have an ice cream social at their home parish at a future date.
Although the event is targeted for youths from the Davenport and Clinton deaneries, all are welcome, Fr. Hennen said. In the future he hopes to offer more weekend sessions throughout the diocese, including one at the high school level.
For more information, or to register by Oct. 1, contact Kloft at jkloft@stannslonggrove.org or call (563) 285-4596. Please let organizers know of any food allergies or needs for lunches in advance.

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