The Catholic Messenger
KEOKUK — Last school year, Keokuk Catholic Schools welcomed back an old friend — its name — and to commemorate the return to the St. Vincent’s monicker, the school received new chrome lettering for its school building.

Staff and students of St. Vincent School in Keokuk pose for a beginning of the year school photo under the new St. Vincent’s sign on Aug. 22.
The elementary school had originally been called St. Vincent’s upon its formation in 1853, but changed to Keokuk Catholic Schools when the elementary students moved into the former Cardinal Stritch Junior/Senior High School in 2006.
The change back to St. Vincent’s began last school year when the Diocese of Davenport approved the request from the school board and staff. The building was formally dedicated last school year during Catholic Schools Week. The school’s corporate name will remain Keokuk Catholic Schools, but the building name is now St. Vincent’s School.
Principal Laura Marsot said the new St. Vincent’s sign was made possible through a gift from the Stan and Lois Waldron Memorial.
Bob Morgan fabricated the letters and installed the sign so it was ready for the first day of school this year 2014-2015.
Others who provided assistance and support in the project are: Travis Brandenberger, Bella Ar-chitectural, Waters Edge, Dennis Otte, Dave Shmid and Hickey Contracting.
Marsot said 112 students are currently enrolled at the school, and enrollment is open to all faiths.