By Sr. Laura Goedken
Many of us spend a lifetime accumulating and managing our assets and spend very little time disposing of them. Good stewardship calls us to care for God’s gifts to us.
A will is a legal document to help with disposal of your assets at your death but it does more. A will allows the court to appoint someone, known as an executor, to make sure your wishes are followed. A will can also provide for the care of minor children or family members not able to care for themselves.

When there is no will or other estate plan, the state will dispose of your property and appoint guardians. The state may or may not be following what you might have done if you had written a will.
A will also allows you to continue your giving after you die. With a will or other estate plan, you can give to your favorite charities. These might include your parish, your school, the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Davenport and other favorite charities.
The Catholic Foundation has a booklet “Planning Your Legacy, A Guide to Planning Your Will and Trust” on its website. Go to and click on “Wills Guide.” Next you will click on electronic PDF Wills Guide to download or request a copy to be mailed to you.
Another helpful feature, after you have logged on to www.CFDD, click on “Plan Your Will.” You will find step by step videos on completing the booklet. You can then take the completed wills booklet to your attorney who will have the necessary information to draft your will.
You can also contact Sister Laura Goedken directly and request a copy, (563) 888-4252 or