Editorial demeaning to infertile couples


To the Editor:

I’m not exactly certain in what context the editorial writer in the June 19 Catholic Messenger “Don’t suppress the hard truth about marriage” would address the situation of a married, heterosexual couple who is infertile, i.e., cannot conceive or carry to term. This is a very real condition faced by many.

In point of fact, it seems to me that one could easily substitute “infertile couple” for the basic argument, i.e., true marriage only exists where and when procreation is possible. Simply do this substitution in the paragraph beginning, “A same-sex couple may be capable…” as well as the following two graphs.

Universal affirmative arguments, especially when describing human behavior, always fall short when they do not consider possible and probable exceptions.


The writer also claims that there is “…no intention to be harsh or cruel or mocking.” That, however, is exactly what he is doing by failing to address the infertile condition.
Extreme insensitivity and incomplete arguments neither convince nor support a proposition. They may, in fact, drive the reader to the opposing viewpoint.

Steve Lynn

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