Bishop Martin Amos’
Schedule for June
1 TIPTON — Confirmation, St. Mary, 10 a.m.
1 CLINTON — Confirmation, Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, 3 p.m.
2 IOWA CITY — Priests’ Aid Society meeting
2-4 IOWA CITY — Clergy Institute, Clarion Highlander Hotel
6 DAVENPORT — Serra Mass, St. Vincent Center, 7 a.m.
7 DAVENPORT — Ordination to the Priesthood, Rev. Mr. Kevin Anstey, Rev. Mr. Robert Cloos, Rev. Mr. Christopher Young; Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate, William Roush, Guillermo Treviño; Sacred Heart Cathedral, 10 a.m.
8 DAVENPORT — Pentecost and Confirmation, Sacred Heart Cathedral, 9 a.m.
10-13 NEW ORLEANS, La. — USCCB Spring Meeting
16 DAVENPORT — Humility of Mary Convent, Mass
16 IOWA CITY — Newman Center Board meeting
17-19 DAVENPORT — Project Rachel training
18 DAVENPORT — Project Rachel Mass, Sacred Heart Cathedral, 7 p.m.
21 MUSCATINE — Closing Mass, St. Mary, 4 p.m.
22 CEDAR FALLS — Deacon retreat, American Martyrs Retreat House
23 DES MOINES — Catholic School Administrators of Iowa workshop
27 DAVENPORT — Mass, Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sacred Heart Cathedral, 5:30 p.m.
28 DAVENPORT — Congregation of Humility of Mary 150th Anniversary Mass, St. Ambrose University Christ the King Chapel, 5 p.m.