Scripture Reading Reflection


by fr. andrew kelly
For believers in Jesus Christ’s resurrection, all human and secular time is irrelevant and meaningless. Now there is only the timelessness of Jesus Christ’s risen presence. This sense of Christ’s timeless presence is essential if the believing community is to understand Jesus’ words: “Do this in memory of me.”
The biblical and spiritual meaning of remembering is that what is heard and ritualized is being experienced in the here and now. This is why the ancient Scriptures, sacraments and rituals have meaning. What is remembered happens in the timelessness of the risen Lord.
“Do this in memory of me” is what Holy Week, the Triduum, Easter Octave and Season are all about.
But for the community to remember, it first must become still and silent in Jesus Christ’s timeless presence. Without the stillness and silence nothing will be heard. Without the hearing nothing will be remembered. If nothing is remembered, then nothing will happen.
Beginning with Sunday’s proclamation of Matthew’s story of the Passion, through the Alleluias of Holy Saturday night, may the community be blessed and graced with stillness, silence and timeless listening as it remembers to: “Do this in memory of me.” In remembering, Easter happens in Jesus Christ’s timeless presence.
(Father Andrew Kelly is a retired priest of the Diocese of Davenport.)

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